Average Starting Salary
Average In-State Tuition
Average Student Enrollment
What is an MBA in Technology Management?
The MBA in Technology Management, one of the most in-demand graduate degrees available today and offers students the chance to learn an effective, diverse mixture of management theory and applied strategies from communication and supply chain management skills to financial and marketing needs.
With a strong focus on applied sciences and business knowledge, MBA students experience real-world interactions with other students and professors, providing a sense of collaboration between students as they tackle different facets of business theory.
An MBA with a concentration in Science and Technology Management an advanced graduate degree that helps students build the critical tools and framework necessary to lead, manage, and grow Science and Technology-related businesses. Generally offered as a 2-year program, the majority of MBA programs require candidates to have at least 3 years of work experience before they begin the course work. Common program requirements include accepting at least one internship during the term, writing a thesis or capstone project reflecting on the student’s growth over the year, and passing an exit exam or comprehensive final examination.
100 Best MBAs in Technology Management
Find a list of campus and online MBA programs in Science and Technology Management in the the United States. In-person, campus Science and Technology MBA programs account for 116 programs while online offerings account for 46 programs. Find Science and Technology MBA programs offered and sorted from lowest to highest tuition.
Learn about the career outlook, starting salary prospects, and long-term earnings possibilities in the sections below to help you understand the ROI of earning an MBA in Science and Technology Management.
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MBA Programs in Technology
How Much is Tuition for an MBA in Technology Management?
The average full-time Tuition for MBA programs in Science and Technology Management is $62,103.18 with a highest of $219,688.00 and the lowest of $7,048.00
The average in-state tuition for campus MBA program in Science and Technology is $62,103.18 compared to the average out-of-state tuition of $73,412.73. The average in-state tuition for an online MBA in Science and Technology is $50,154.91 compared to an average out-of-state online tuition of $63,373.76.
With a tuition cost ranging between $7,048.00 and $219,688.00, it may be worthwhile to attend a highly reputable online or in-state program instead of electing to go out-of-state.
You may want to opt for a more affordable degree programs instead of taking out student loans for B-School tuition. A savvy student also realizes that attending an online MBA program can significantly reduce textbook, transportation and living costs.
10 Most Expensive Technology MBAs
- Cornell University - $219,688.00
- Columbia University - $180,258.00
- Dartmouth College - $165,442.00
- Northwestern University - $162,030.00
- Duke University - $157,546.00
- Harvard University - $149,820.00
- Carnegie Mellon University - $147,456.00
- University of California, Berkeley - $139,628.00
- The University of Michigan - $137,056.00
- Miami University - $136,342.00
10 Least Expensive Technology MBAs
- The University of Rhode Island - $7,048.00
- Savannah State University - $9,180.00
- North Carolina Central University - $11,978.00
- University of South Dakota - $14,892.00
- Missouri State University - $15,108.00
- Texas Southern University - $15,316.00
- Kansas State University - $16,049.00
- University of Alabama at Birmingham - $16,200.00
- State University of New York at Fredonia - $16,965.00
- University of South Florida St. Petersburg - $17,000.00
What is the Career Outlook for Technology Management MBAs?
Why choose an MBA with a concentration in Technology? Predictions from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate strong growth in management positions overall, with an 8 percent average increase in management-level employment expected across all professions from 2018 to 2028, creating 827,000 jobs. Additionally, the BLS pegged the median salary for managers at $112,590, an important consideration for students considering a major investment in their education.
US Department of Labor – Projections Central
What is the Starting Salary for Technology Management MBAs?
Though it’s not the only factor, compensation is an important consideration for individuals considering obtaining an MBA degree. Salaries for graduates with master’s degrees in business administration can be significantly higher than those of graduates with only a bachelor’s degree. In addition, advance salary projections from the US Department of Labor show that average MBA salaries are expected to increase by 6.9% each year through the year 2028 with an annual need of 230,000 new managers needed each year.
Average starting salary for MBA students from universities that offer an MBA in Technology today is $88,989.64 with the lowest of starting of $42,900.00 and the highest reported starting salary of $175,000.00.
10 Highest MBA Graduate Salaries
- Northwestern University - $175,000.00
- Harvard University - $175,000.00
- Columbia University - $162,099.00
- Dartmouth College - $159,842.00
- Cornell University - $155,048.00
- Texas State University - $155,000.00
- The University of Michigan - $153,465.00
- University of California, Berkeley - $152,831.00
- Duke University - $152,297.00
- Carnegie Mellon University - $148,067.00
10 Lowest MBA Graduate Salaries
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore - $42,900.00
- University of Arkansas at Fort Smith - $44,550.00
- The University of North Carolina at Asheville - $45,750.00
- Norfolk State University - $47,300.00
- University of South Dakota - $47,553.00
- Northwestern State University of Louisiana - $48,150.00
- North Carolina Central University - $48,300.00
- State University of New York at Fredonia - $49,500.00
- University of Louisiana at Lafayette - $51,200.00
- Canisius College - $56,315.00
Which MBAs Programs Have the Best ROI?
10 Best ROI for Technology MBA Programs
- The University of Rhode Island - 524.26%
- Savannah State University - 413.81%
- Texas State University - 331.69%
- Minnesota State University, Mankato - 265.20%
- Kansas State University - 241.60%
- University of Alabama at Birmingham - 231.48%
- Southeastern Oklahoma State University - 226.38%
- University of South Florida St. Petersburg - 213.24%
- Missouri State University - 206.51%
- Northern Kentucky University - 204.70%
10 Lowest ROI for Technology MBA Programs
- Rochester Institute of Technology - 29.90%
- Miami University - 34.00%
- Cornell University - 35.29%
- Willamette University - 43.24%
- Washington University in St. Louis - 43.91%
- Columbia University - 44.96%
- Dartmouth College - 48.31%
- Duke University - 48.33%
- Wake Forest University - 48.64%
- Boston University - 48.65%
What Can I Do With an MBA in Technology Management?
With an MBA in the highly sought after Science and Technology Management sector, your career has few limits. You use the degree as a stepping stone to a variety of high-level roles in business or government and it opens up new career possibilities or advancement within your current role.
As business and industry demands change within the Science and Technology sector, a graduate-level degree prepares you for taking on new challenges by preparing you with thinking and adaptation skills required in the every changing world of Science and Technology.
An MBA in Science and Technology prepares you for advanced career tracks within the sector including technical and business consulting, accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, and organizational leadership. The MBA is the degree of choice for world-class executives who have the knowledge and real-world experience to add value to their organizations and apply practical business solutions.
What Are Benefits of Earning an MBA in Technology Management?
- Increased Job Opportunities: What exactly will an MBA do for you? Mid- to upper-level management positions are available to you. Jobs that see fewer applicants, such as chief executive officer, are also open to you. Earning your MBA qualifies you for positions that range from department director to enterprise director and chief operating officer. Employment for MBA candidates is projected to increase by six percent per year over the next seven years. Three-quarters of employers say that they plan to hire MBA graduates in 2016, while ninety-two percent are increasing the number of MBA internships that they offer.
- Increased Earnings: A recent study showed that the average MBA graduate’s pay was 50% higher than their position before earning their degree. Even more impressive, in the five years after earning their MBA, the average pay increased by 80%. These figures clearly show the financial benefits of an MBA but they don’t address the personal satisfaction that comes with greater responsibility.
- Sharpen Your Professional Skills: As a graduate of an MBA program, you’ll develop the skills necessary to succeed in a competitive business environment. You’ll learn to think critically about problems, communicate effectively, work on a team and analyze complex financial data. You’ll also have access to some of the brightest minds and the latest resources in today’s business world.
- Greater Job Security: Today’s job market is more turbulent than ever before, filling many with uncertainty and fears of being left out. Earning an MBA not only increases your earning potential but also offers a foundation for greater career stability and security. With the marketable skills to lead teams, take initiative and make positive changes in companies, you can quickly establish a secure foothold in an otherwise shaky job market.
- Become a Respected Member of Your Business Community: Choosing to earn an MBA enables you to position yourself as a respected member of your business community. An MBA increases your professional vocabulary, enhances your strategic thinking and analytical skills, and gives you a broadened level of cultural knowledge. Whether you pursue a program that offers concentrations or one focused on leadership and global management, an MBA will give you the tools and resources you need to succeed.
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What Skills Do I Need to be Successful In Technology Management?
According to a recent survey by the Financial Times, these are the top-five most important skills employers look for in MBA graduates:
- The Ability to Work with a Wide Variety of People: This attribute is important because not all of the people you are communicating with will have the same educational background, interests, or objectives. Your ability to work with a wide variety of people is what enables you to be a successful manager.
- Time Management and Ability to Prioritize: The ability to prioritize and manage time is one of the most important skills that any professional must master. As your career progresses, your work time will increase, but if you can’t manage your time well you’ll always be at risk of not meeting deadlines and expectation
- Understanding and Mastering the Digital Impact on Businesses: Due to this disruption in business models and processes, many companies have transitioned from analog organizations to digital organizations and individuals competencies in information Science and Technology Management are needed.
- Ability to Build, Sustain and Expand a Network of People: The ability to build, sustain and expand a network of people is one of the most valuable skills that a business manager can have. It’s not enough to know the technical aspects of your job. And it’s not enough to be passionate about your work. To succeed in this position as a business manager, you must also be able to build and sustain an effective network of contacts.
- Ability to Solve Complex Problems: Business management is often about conceiving a strategy that employs the best, most effective solutions to get a job done. The thought process behind solving a complex problem is much more complicated than solving a simple one–making it one of the top skills of modern business managers. Complex problems require the manager to think on their feet, and ask questions throughout the entire process.
What Typical Classes Will I Take in My Technology MBA Program?
Business schools typically offer programs that provide a comprehensive, rigorous training in business fundamentals and leadership. Full-time and part-time curricula exist, with part-time programs requiring students to balance school with full-time employment. As a student, you have the option of emphasizing an area of expertise by choosing a major or completing an integrated program. MBAs have flexibility in course selection due to the curriculum’s interdisciplinary nature; however, a typical curriculum has core courses, as well as required and elective courses in various disciplines.
Core Curriculum for MBA Programs
Typical core MBA classes will differ from program to program, however the following list gives you an idea of the kinds of classes you can expect as outlined in curriculum at Wharton MBA and Florida Atlantic University:
- Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership: Develop a leadership style that fits your situation. Learn the many aspects of teamwork and explore the key components of successful leaders.
- Marketing Management: The MBA program in Marketing Management trains students to apply analytical concepts and marketing tools to decisions like segmentation and targeting, branding, pricing, distribution, and promotion.
- Microeconomics for Managers: This course provides an introduction to microeconomics, which is the study of how the markets for goods and services operate. Topics covered include supply, demand, consumer behavior, market price and output, production, cost, simple competitive market equilibrium, simple monopoly pricing and output determination, price discrimination, and bundling.
- Advanced Microeconomics for Managers: Teaches microeconomic theory in a business setting. It helps readers learn how to use microeconomics to enhance decision making and to make more profitable business decisions. The book includes topics such as sophisticated pricing policies, transfer pricing, strategies for dealing with competitor firms, cooperation strategies, managing under uncertainty and more.
- Statistics and Regression Analysis for Managers: Work with two key statistical data methodologies including regression analysis and experimentation. Learn to apply these techniques to real-world situations.
- Management Communication for Speaking and Writing: Management Communication for Speaking and Writing (MBA) will help you strengthen your skills in persuasion, presenting confidently, and answering questions.
- Business Law and Applied Ethics: Businesses, non-profit corporations and governmental entities all engage in activities that can lead to legal disputes. Business Law and Applied Ethics provides an understanding of the principles that govern these disputes and how they apply to businesses. In addition, students will develop skills and tools to lead or manage a business while creating and maintaining an ethical environment.
- Financial Accounting: Financial Accounting provides a thorough overview of the theory, concepts, techniques, and applications that are necessary for understanding the accounting cycle, asset valuation, income determination, financial reporting, basic business taxes, and owner’s equity. This text is an ideal medium for lecturers to use for courses designed for graduate students lacking any previous course in accounting.
- Corporate Finance: Financial decisions are among the most important a corporation’s managers must make. Investment policy, financing policy and working capital policy all depend on a firm’s unique financial requirements and opportunities. Corporate Finance provides tools and applications of corporate financial analysis and forecasting, as well as discussion of the implementation of these policies in current business situations.
Typical Curriculum for an Technology MBA Concentration
What Are the GMAT Scores Required for Acceptance into an Technology MBA Program?
It’s important to note that not all MBA programs require a GMAT Score for admissions, but most reputable programs do. With that being said, if you have your eye on a list of competitive programs, it’s best to boost your GMAT Score accordingly. Outside of a solid GMAT Score, B-School admissions departments look at a candidate’s undergraduate GPA, professional experience, letters of recommendation, CV, and personal statement. A strong undergraduate performance may offset a sub-part GMAT Score.
For campus MBA programs in Science and Technology, the lowest GMAT score required from an in-person program is 318 and the highest is 732 with an average GMAT score to be accepted in a campus-based Science and Technology MBA program being 580.
For Science and Technology MBA programs offered online, the lowest GMAT score required by a university is 318 and the highest is 720 with an average GMAT score to be accepted in an online Science and Technology MBA program is 567.
Below you will find a list of the 10 highest and 10 lowest average GMAT scores needed for a campus based program offering an Science and Technology MBA concentration.
10 Highest GMAT Scores for Technology MBAs
- Columbia University - 732
- Harvard University - 730
- University of California, Berkeley - 729
- Northwestern University - 729
- Dartmouth College - 726
- The University of Michigan - 720
- Duke University - 718
- Cornell University - 707
- Carnegie Mellon University - 702
- Georgetown University - 697
10 Lowest GMAT Scores for Technology MBAs
- Clark Atlanta University - 318
- Northcentral University - 400
- California Lutheran University - 400
- Nova Southeastern University - 450
- University of Colorado Denver - 450
- California College of the Arts - 450
- The University of Michigan-Flint - 455
- West Virginia University - 463
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - 463
- North Carolina Central University - 480
Student / Faculty Ratio for MBA Programs in Technology
A low Student/Faculty ratio for any MBA may have more of an impact on students wanting smaller classrooms and greater networking opportunities with professors and fellow classmates. For students who thrive in lecture hall environments and do not require the individual attention/one-on-one mentorship from a B-Schools faculty, then a high Student/Faculty ratio may not be an issue.
Of all the Science and Technology MBA programs offered in-person and on campus, the lowest Student Faculty ratio is 4:1 compared to the highest of 35:1 while the average Student Faculty ratio for all in-person campus program offering an Science and Technology MBA is 16:1.
For Science and Technology MBA programs offered online, the lowest Student Faculty Ratio is 6:1 and the highest is 35:1 with an average Student Faculty ratio from MBA programs offering an MBA in Science and Technology online is 18:1.
Below you will find a list of the 10 highest and 10 lowest student faculty ratios from campus based programs offering an Science and Technology MBA concentration.
10 Technology Programs with the Highest Student Faculty Ratio
- The University of Mississippi - 35:1
- Arizona State University - 34:1
- University of Missouri - 30:1
- Universidad Ana G. Mendez - Gurabo - 28:1
- Southeastern Oklahoma State University - 28:1
- The University of Alabama - 27:1
- Georgia State University - 26:1
- Purdue University Global - 26:1
- Portland State University - 26:1
- Missouri State University - 25:1
10 Technology Programs with the Lowest Student Faculty Ratio
- Dartmouth College - 4:1
- Willamette University - 5:1
- Brown University - 6:1
- Columbia University - 6:1
- Northwestern University - 6:1
- Harvard University - 7:1
- Illinois Institute of Technology - 7:1
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore - 7:1
- University of Evansville - 7:1
- Rochester Institute of Technology - 8:1
Student Enrollment for MBA Programs in Technology
The MBA program with the lowest student enrollment that offers an MBA in Science and Technology is 6 from Northwestern State University of Louisiana. The MBA program with the highest student enrollment offering an MBA in Science and Technology is Highest: 2,012 from Duke University. The average student enrollment from all universities that offer an MBA in Science and Technology is 474.
10 MBA Technology Programs with the Highest Student Enrollment
- Duke University - 2,012
- Washington University in St. Louis - 1,996
- Boston University - 1,615
- Cornell University - 1,290
- The University of Michigan - 1,280
- University of Miami - 1,261
- Arizona State University - 1,257
- Nova Southeastern University - 1,202
- University of Rochester - 1,113
- University of Utah - 1,055
10 MBA Technology Programs with the Lowest Student Faculty Ratio
- Northwestern State University of Louisiana - 6
- Winona State University - 28
- Kennesaw State University - 35
- Minnesota State University, Mankato - 38
- University of Arkansas at Little Rock - 39
- The University of Michigan-Flint - 45
- North Carolina Central University - 51
- Rockhurst University - 52
- Clark Atlanta University - 69
- University of Colorado Denver - 69
- About the Author
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Keri Baker is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based freelance copywriter and MBA-graduate who loves writing about productivity. When she’s not listening to productivity podcasts or researching Apple products, you can find her chasing her pups around or volunteering at the local homeless mission. Feel free to find Keri on Twitter or Instagram @techgirlpgh.