Average Tuition – Data Analytics MBA Programs
Average Salary – Data Analytics MBA Graduates
Average GMAT Requirements – Data Analytics MBA Programs
Average ROI – Data Analytics MBA Programs
Executive Summary for MBA Programs in Data Analytics
- Comprehensive comparisons and data about tuition, average starting salaries, ROI, GMAT requirements and scores, and enrollment statistics for MBA programs in Data Analytics
- Detailed profiles of both online and on-campus MBA programs in Data Analytics, their strengths, unique specializations, faculty expertise, and alumni networks are included to help align your study choice with your career ambitions
- Insights into diverse industries and roles, demonstrating how an MBA degree in Data Analytics serves as a potent tool in these industries
Top 10 MBA Programs in Data Analytics – ROI, Salary, Tuition
Northwestern University
- Kellogg Global Hub, Evanston, IL - 60208-2001
- Institution Control: Private for-profit
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Dual-MBA, E-MBA, Masters in Business
- Offered as: Campus, Full-Time
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 6:1
Tuition and Fees: $162,030
Total Enrollment: 2,329
Concentrations: Accounting, Communications, Data Analytics, E-Commerce +19 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 729
Graduate Salary: $175,000
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 54%
Stanford University
- Knight Management Center, Stanford, CA - 94305-7298
- Institution Control: Private
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist
- Offered as: Campus, Full-Time
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 5:1
Tuition and Fees: $165,591
Total Enrollment: 1,064
Concentrations: Accounting, Consulting, Data Analytics, Economics +16 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 737
Graduate Salary: $182,272
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 55%
Columbia University
- 101 Uris Hall, New York, NY - 10027
- Institution Control: Private
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, E-MBA, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist
- Offered as: Campus, Full-Time
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 6:1
Tuition and Fees: $180,258
Total Enrollment: 4,036
Concentrations: Accounting, Consulting, Data Analytics, Economics +14 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 732
Graduate Salary: $162,099
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 45%
Duke University
- Box 90120, Durham, NC - 27708-0120
- Institution Control: Private
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, E-MBA, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist
- Offered as: 1-Year, Campus, Evenings, Full-Time, Online, Weekends
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 9:1
Tuition and Fees: $157,546
Total Enrollment: 2,084
Concentrations: Accounting, Consulting, Data Analytics, Economics +20 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 718
Graduate Salary: $152,297
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 48%
University of Southern California
- 3670 Trousdale Parkway, Bridge Hall 100, Los Angeles, CA - 90089-0804
- Institution Control: Private
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, E-MBA, Graduate Level Certificate, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist, Undergraduate
- Offered as: 1-Year, Campus, Distance Education, Evenings, Full-Time, Online, Part-Time, Partnership, Weekends
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 14:1
Tuition and Fees: $154,339
Total Enrollment: 6,911
Concentrations: Accounting, Data Analytics, Economics, Entrepreneurship +15 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 732
Graduate Salary: $150,314
AACSB Accredited: Business and Accounting
Graduate ROI: 49%
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- CB 3490, McColl Building, Chapel Hill, NC - 27599-3490
- Institution Control: Public
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, E-MBA, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist, Undergraduate
- Offered as: Campus, Distance Education, Evenings, Full-Time, Online, Partnership, Weekends
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 10:1
Tuition and Fees: $102,314
Total Enrollment: 2,820
Concentrations: Accounting, Data Analytics, Economics, Entrepreneurship +13 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 706
Graduate Salary: $133,517
AACSB Accredited: Business and Accounting
Graduate ROI: 65%
Harvard University
- Dillon House, Boston, MA - 02163
- Institution Control: Private for-profit
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Masters in Business
- Offered as: Campus
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 7:1
Tuition and Fees: $149,820
Total Enrollment: 1,945
Concentrations: Accounting, Consulting, Data Analytics, E-Commerce +22 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 730
Graduate Salary: $175,000
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 58%
University of Pennsylvania
- 1000 Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall, Philadelphia, PA - 19104-6364
- Institution Control: Private for-profit
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Dual-MBA, Masters in Business, Undergraduate
- Offered as: Campus, Full-Time
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 8:1
Tuition and Fees: $179,852
Total Enrollment: 3,468
Concentrations: Accounting, Arts, Data Analytics, Entrepreneurship +8 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 733
Graduate Salary: $166,391
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 46%
Indiana University Bloomington/Indianapolis
- 1275 East 10th Street Suite 3000, Bloomington, IN - 47405-1703
- Institution Control: Public
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Dual-MBA, Integrated Undergraduate Masters, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist, Undergraduate
- Offered as: Campus, Distance Education, Full-Time, Online
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 17:1
Tuition and Fees: $60,858
Total Enrollment: 12,033
Concentrations: Accounting, Consulting, Data Analytics, Economics +15 more
Ranking: US News, Forbes, BW, FT, Economist and MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 685
Graduate Salary: $136,352
AACSB Accredited: Business and Accounting
Graduate ROI: 112%
University of Massachusetts Boston
- 100 Morrissey Boulevard, McCormack Hall, Boston, MA - 02125-3393
- Institution Control: Public
- Academic Year:
- Accreditation:
- Award Levels: Doctoral, Masters in Business, Masters Specialist, Undergraduate
- Offered as: Campus, Evenings, Full-Time, Online, Part-Time, Weekends
Business School Details
Student / Faculty Ratio: 16:1
Tuition and Fees: $19,499
Total Enrollment: 2,638
Concentrations: Accounting, Actuarial Science, Data Analytics, Economics +17 more
Ranking: MBAGuide
Average GMAT Score: 683
Graduate Salary: $124,277
AACSB Accredited: Business
Graduate ROI: 319%
100 Best Data Analytics MBA Programs Table: ROI, Salary, Tuition
Easily sort the table below by Rank, School Name, ROI, Tuition, Average Starting Salary, and State to find and to compare programs. Click on any school for a comprehensive review.
Rank | University | ROI | In State Tuition | Avg. Starting Salary | State | Online |
1 | Northwestern University | 54.00% | $162,030 | $175,000 | IL | No |
2 | Stanford University | 55.04% | $165,591 | $182,272 | CA | No |
3 | Columbia University | 44.96% | $180,258 | $162,099 | NY | No |
4 | Duke University | 48.33% | $157,546 | $152,297 | NC | Yes |
5 | University of Southern California | 48.70% | $154,339 | $150,314 | CA | Yes |
6 | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 65.25% | $102,314 | $133,517 | NC | Yes |
7 | Harvard University | 58.40% | $149,820 | $175,000 | MA | No |
8 | University of Pennsylvania | 46.26% | $179,852 | $166,391 | PA | No |
9 | Indiana University Bloomington/Indianapolis | 112.02% | $60,858 | $136,352 | IN | Yes |
10 | University of Massachusetts Boston | 318.68% | $19,499 | $124,277 | MA | Yes |
11 | The University of Chicago | 49.55% | $167,393 | $165,887 | IL | No |
12 | Brigham Young University | 101.87% | $58,544 | $119,281 | UT | No |
13 | University of Notre Dame | 53.85% | $123,500 | $133,018 | IN | No |
14 | Southern Methodist University | 60.97% | $100,541 | $122,609 | TX | Yes |
15 | The University of Texas at Dallas | 171.45% | $35,918 | $123,163 | TX | Yes |
16 | Emory University | 49.36% | $151,689 | $149,759 | GA | Yes |
17 | University of California, Los Angeles | 51.61% | $142,142 | $146,727 | CA | No |
18 | Washington University in St. Louis | 43.91% | $134,020 | $117,687 | MO | Yes |
19 | Michigan State University | 172.92% | $34,564 | $119,539 | MI | Yes |
20 | University of Minnesota | 68.17% | $89,402 | $121,882 | MN | Yes |
21 | The George Washington University | 51.26% | $113,090 | $115,951 | DC | Yes |
22 | University of Rochester | 61.40% | $108,038 | $132,671 | NY | No |
23 | University of South Carolina | 182.06% | $26,485 | $96,435 | SC | Yes |
24 | University of California, Davis Business School | 61.53% | $88,634 | $109,075 | CA | Yes |
25 | Carnegie Mellon University | 50.21% | $147,456 | $148,067 | PA | Yes |
26 | Boston University | 48.65% | $124,248 | $120,884 | MA | Yes |
27 | Texas A&M University | 93.21% | $62,000 | $115,585 | TX | Yes |
28 | University of California, San Diego | 48.93% | $106,246 | $103,969 | CA | No |
29 | The University of Georgia | 196.87% | $30,606 | $120,510 | GA | Yes |
30 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 107.05% | $55,575 | $118,983 | WI | No |
31 | Northeastern University | 48.77% | $102,582 | $100,063 | MA | Yes |
32 | University of Utah | 88.54% | $65,700 | $116,348 | UT | Yes |
33 | Fordham University | 64.08% | $99,497 | $127,511 | NY | Yes |
34 | Case Western Reserve University | 52.08% | $92,040 | $95,875 | OH | Yes |
35 | Indiana State University | 263.16% | $19,000 | $100,000 | IN | Yes |
36 | University of Maryland | 61.25% | $98,865 | $121,103 | MD | Yes |
37 | Lehigh University | 69.45% | $68,900 | $95,699 | PA | Yes |
38 | American University | 53.76% | $98,282 | $105,666 | DC | Yes |
39 | New Jersey Institute of Technology | 74.73% | $66,576 | $99,501 | NJ | Yes |
40 | University of Illinois at Chicago | 139.37% | $60,264 | $167,977 | IL | Yes |
41 | Santa Clara University | 72.74% | $83,860 | $122,000 | CA | Yes |
42 | Brandeis University | 45.33% | $120,223 | $109,000 | MA | No |
43 | The Ohio State University | 50.31% | $106,123 | $106,779 | OH | Yes |
44 | Texas Christian University | 46.60% | $115,380 | $107,543 | TX | Yes |
45 | Baruch College-The City University of New York | 158.86% | $37,338 | $118,633 | NY | Yes |
46 | Stevens Institute of Technology | 52.15% | $81,880 | $85,398 | NJ | Yes |
47 | University of Cincinnati | 181.31% | $23,996 | $87,013 | OH | Yes |
48 | Miami University | 34.00% | $136,342 | $92,700 | OH | Yes |
49 | University of Miami | 59.35% | $92,290 | $109,555 | FL | Yes |
50 | Pepperdine University | 42.78% | $104,333 | $89,258 | CA | Yes |
51 | George Mason University | 145.88% | $37,737 | $110,100 | VA | Yes |
52 | Tulane University | 41.90% | $116,040 | $97,241 | LA | Yes |
53 | University of Dallas | 95.86% | $45,900 | $88,000 | TX | Yes |
54 | The University of Arizona | 95.42% | $56,250 | $107,345 | AZ | Yes |
55 | University of Denver | 50.85% | $96,638 | $98,276 | CO | Yes |
56 | University of San Francisco | 52.08% | $79,200 | $82,500 | CA | No |
57 | The Citadel | 267.29% | $21,830 | $116,700 | SC | Yes |
58 | University of San Diego | 72.79% | $69,610 | $101,333 | CA | No |
59 | Oregon State University | 72.85% | $52,090 | $75,900 | OR | Yes |
60 | Suffolk University | 67.73% | $59,391 | $80,455 | MA | Yes |
61 | Purdue University Northwest | 352.63% | $12,350 | $87,100 | IN | Yes |
62 | The University of Alabama | 130.49% | $28,377 | $74,060 | AL | Yes |
63 | University of Richmond | 55.34% | $72,000 | $79,683 | VA | No |
64 | Colorado State University | 110.99% | $42,480 | $94,300 | CO | Yes |
65 | Texas State University | 331.69% | $23,365 | $155,000 | TX | Yes |
66 | University of Washington Tacoma | 152.84% | $49,504 | $151,322 | WA | No |
67 | Drexel University | 73.48% | $59,241 | $87,061 | PA | Yes |
68 | Bentley University | 64.72% | $67,080 | $86,822 | MA | Yes |
69 | Iowa State University | 126.06% | $29,966 | $75,552 | IA | Yes |
70 | Baylor University | 46.20% | $85,692 | $79,176 | TX | Yes |
71 | Clarkson University | 59.30% | $59,032 | $70,017 | NY | Yes |
72 | Loyola University Chicago | 60.65% | $73,375 | $89,000 | IL | Yes |
73 | University of Houston | 91.36% | $47,000 | $85,878 | TX | Yes |
74 | University of Southern Mississippi | 181.83% | $17,131 | $62,300 | MS | Yes |
75 | Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey-Newark/New Brunswick | 97.36% | $58,442 | $113,800 | NJ | Yes |
76 | University of Oklahoma-Health Sciences Center | 122.79% | $33,306 | $81,793 | OK | Yes |
77 | Dominican University | 176.54% | $32,004 | $113,000 | IL | Yes |
78 | University of Oregon | 64.84% | $65,726 | $85,236 | OR | No |
79 | Siena College | 118.42% | $34,200 | $81,000 | NY | No |
80 | West Texas A&M University | 188.18% | $20,725 | $78,000 | TX | Yes |
81 | Howard University | 89.34% | $71,204 | $127,223 | DC | Yes |
82 | Wright State University | 204.77% | $28,080 | $115,000 | OH | Yes |
83 | University of Dayton | 163.59% | $33,600 | $109,932 | OH | Yes |
84 | Governors State University | 267.99% | $13,788 | $73,900 | IL | Yes |
85 | SUNY University at Albany | 114.55% | $34,750 | $79,615 | NY | Yes |
86 | Elon University | 97.78% | $42,237 | $82,600 | NC | No |
87 | Fairfield University | 77.92% | $41,580 | $64,800 | CT | Yes |
88 | Claremont Graduate University | 41.85% | $96,520 | $80,778 | CA | No |
89 | Johns Hopkins University | 47.76% | $133,000 | $127,044 | MD | Yes |
90 | Saint Louis University | 101.79% | $37,470 | $76,282 | MO | No |
91 | University at Albany, State University of New York | 114.55% | $34,750 | $79,615 | NY | Yes |
92 | Binghamton University | 215.07% | $17,469 | $75,142 | NY | No |
93 | Oakland University | 143.72% | $30,024 | $86,300 | MI | Yes |
94 | California State Polytechnic University Pomona | 150.07% | $29,800 | $89,440 | CA | No |
95 | Saint Joseph's University | 107.20% | $42,912 | $92,000 | PA | Yes |
96 | University of Central Oklahoma | 344.07% | $9,068 | $62,400 | OK | Yes |
97 | Auburn University | 141.74% | $27,385 | $77,633 | AL | Yes |
98 | Valparaiso University | 105.33% | $30,780 | $64,840 | IN | Yes |
99 | Eastern Michigan University | 133.03% | $34,616 | $92,100 | MI | Yes |
100 | John Carroll University | 100.45% | $32,356 | $65,000 | OH | Yes |
What is an MBA in Data Analytics?
An MBA in Data Analytics combines the field of data analytics and business skills. This degree offers specialized courses like entrepreneurship, financing, international business and organization development along with data analysts, data mining and visualization, etc. Students will be able to learn about business intelligence, data analytics, and information technology. This degree will equip the students with cutting-edge knowledge and specialized skills like business process analysis and predictive modeling, data management, and business processes. This degree can secure you jobs with the following titles like business analyst, systems analyst, data architect, and business intelligence developer.
MBA in Data Analytics vs Master’s of Data Analytics
MBA in data analytics covers the business, information science, and technology to provide knowledge of the business field and analytics, modeling, and data mining. Though it mainly focuses on business planning, management also provides a deep understanding of the technicalities of the analytics field to solve complex problems.
On the other hand, a Master’s in Business Analytics is a more technical-oriented field. Its curriculum involves programming languages, data quality management, data mining, and modeling with an overview of the business field.
MBA in data analytics skills are more towards the business field with an understanding of analytics tools. In contrast, a master’s in business analytics provides technical expertise with an overview of business-related fields.
MBA gives a wider horizon since it covers both the business and data analytics fields. In the case of MS, it’s more limited as it develops core technical skills with less emphasis on the business field. However, both fields have bright chances in the future, and it depends upon students’ interest and scope which one they want to opt for.
Key Highlights for Data Analytics MBA Programs
Compare Online Data Analytics MBA Program Averages to Campus Averages
When comparing online and campus-based Data Analytics MBA programs, prospective b-students should consider many factors. Online programs offer lower average tuition costs ($47,084 vs : $47,083.98) and better average graduate ROI (146% vs 146%), while campus programs have slightly higher average graduate salaries ($81,243 vs $81,243). Both program types have comparable GMAT scores, full-time faculty numbers, and student-faculty ratios, indicating similar academic rigor and support.
Averages | Online Data Analytics MBA Programs | Campus Data Analytics MBA Programs |
Average MBA Tuition | $43,495 | : $47,083.98 |
Average Graduate Salary | $79,445 | $81,243 |
Average Graduate ROI | 153% | 146% |
Average GMAT Scores | 564 | 568 |
Average Full-Time MBA Faculty | 76 | 73 |
Average MBA Student Faculty Ratio | : 16:1 | 15:1 |
Read about our ranking methodology.
What is the Average Salary for MBA in Data Analytics Graduates?
The average graduate salary range for MBA in Data Analytics graduates is quite wide. At the lower end, Elizabeth City State University MBA reports an average starting salary of just $35,850 for its MBA in Data Analytics graduates. On the other hand, Stanford University boasts the highest average starting salary at an impressive $182,272.
The average starting pay across all finance MBA programs hovering around $81,243.
This substantial difference in starting salaries is due to a number of factors including reputation and ranking of the business school, the strength of its alumni network, the cost of living in the state and region, and the industries and locations where graduates find employment. Prospective b-students can research career outcomes and salary data of their target MBA programs to get a clearer picture the earning potential post-graduation.
While a high average starting salary is undoubtedly attractive, the savvy b-student will consider other factors like tuition costs, financial aid, and the overall return on investment when choosing an MBA in Data Analytics program.
Average Salaries for Data Analytics MBA Graduates
- Average: $81,243 from 866 Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Lowest: $35,850 from Elizabeth City State University MBA
- Highest: $182,272 from Stanford University
10 Highest Average Salaries for Data Analytics MBA Graduates
- Stanford University - $182,272.00
- Harvard University - $175,000.00
- Northwestern University - $175,000.00
- University of Illinois at Chicago - $167,977.00
- University of Pennsylvania - $166,391.00
- The University of Chicago - $165,887.00
- Columbia University - $162,099.00
- Texas State University - $155,000.00
- Duke University - $152,297.00
- University of Washington Tacoma - $151,322.00
10 Lowest Average Salaries for Data Analytics MBA Graduates
- Elizabeth City State University MBA - $35,850.00
- Montreat College - $37,000.00
- Eastern Kentucky University - $42,450.00
- Francis Marion University - $42,600.00
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore - $42,900.00
- South Carolina State University - $43,200.00
- Arkansas Tech University - $44,250.00
- University of Arkansas at Fort Smith - $44,550.00
- Delaware State University - $46,300.00
- Winston-Salem State University - $46,350.00
Average Data Analytics MBA Graduate Salary by State
- District of Columbia - $121,848
- New Hampshire - $113,255
- Massachusetts - $100,630
- Arizona - $97,127
- Wyoming - $93,010
- Illinois - $92,682
- Washington - $91,447
- California - $90,698
- Michigan - $89,920
- Pennsylvania - $89,328
- Utah - $89,172
- Nevada - $88,249
- Maine - $87,535
- Minnesota - $86,736
- Virginia - $86,642
- Tennessee - $84,991
- New Jersey - $84,703
- Texas - $83,926
- Colorado - $83,807
- Indiana - $83,648
- Iowa - $83,468
- Connecticut - $83,241
- New York - $81,215
- Maryland - $80,131
- Nebraska - $79,913
- Georgia - $79,652
- Alaska - $79,087
- Ohio - $77,307
- Wisconsin - $76,959
- Oregon - $76,503
- Rhode Island - $75,889
- Oklahoma - $75,600
- Hawaii - $74,209
- Florida - $73,349
- Idaho - $72,446
- North Carolina - $71,631
- Missouri - $71,608
- Montana - $69,487
- Alabama - $67,949
- South Carolina - $67,447
- New Mexico - $67,250
- West Virginia - $66,028
- Vermont - $66,000
- Kentucky - $65,025
- Kansas - $64,772
- Mississippi - $64,196
- Arkansas - $62,951
- Delaware - $62,333
- Louisiana - $55,392
- North Dakota - $50,600
- South Dakota - $50,102
What is the Average Tuition for Data Analytics MBA Programs?
Investing in your future with a finance MBA can be a very smart decision. On average, you can expect to pay $43,475.55 for a finance MBA program. However, tuition rates can vary significantly, with the most expensive programs costing up to $219,688.00 and the most affordable options starting at $7,048.00.
When comparing in-state and out-of-state tuition for MBA programs in Data Analytics, you’ll find that in-state students pay an average of $43,476, while out-of-state students face an average tuition of $53,654. With such a wide range of tuition costs, spanning from $7,048.00 to $219,688, it’s essential to carefully consider your options. Factors that impact tuition rates include your enrollment status, the program type, and whether you attend a private college or public institution. Choosing a highly respected program could provide better value for your money than opting for an out-of-state school.
The ROI of an online MBA program is often more favorable than traditional programs, as students can continue working while studying. According to a 2017 US News survey, the average salary for students three months after graduating from an online MBA program was $96,974, a 22% increase from the average entering salary. The highest average salary increases for online programs hover around 60%. With the right program choice and financial planning, an online finance MBA can be a worthwhile investment in your future, leading to increased earning potential and career advancement opportunities.
Average Tuition for Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Average: $43,476 from 866 Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Lowest Data Analytics MBA: $7,048 from The University of Rhode Island
- Highest Data Analytics: $219,688 from Cornell University
10 Most Affordable Data Analytics MBAs
- The University of Rhode Island - $7,048.00
- California State University, Bakersfield - $7,176.00
- Indiana University South Bend - $7,458.00
- Indiana University Northwest - $7,458.00
- Indiana University Southeast - $7,458.00
- McNeese State University - $8,879.00
- University of Central Oklahoma - $9,068.00
- Columbus State University - $9,087.00
- University of the District of Columbia - $9,156.00
- Savannah State University - $9,180.00
10 Most Expensive Data Analytics MBAs
- Cornell University - $219,688.00
- Columbia University - $180,258.00
- University of Pennsylvania - $179,852.00
- The University of Chicago - $167,393.00
- Stanford University - $165,591.00
- Dartmouth College - $165,442.00
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology - $164,000.00
- Northwestern University - $162,030.00
- New York University - $160,130.00
- Duke University - $157,546.00
Average Tuition Costs by State for MBA Programs
- New Hampshire - $103,312
- District of Columbia - $83,309
- Massachusetts - $74,395
- Oregon - $61,583
- New York - $61,321
- California - $59,093
- Pennsylvania - $54,581
- Connecticut - $51,233
- New Jersey - $51,100
- Maryland - $50,582
- Illinois - $48,710
- Washington - $48,319
- Ohio - $47,833
- Virginia - $45,876
- Michigan - $45,734
- Minnesota - $44,597
- Tennessee - $44,060
- Arizona - $40,003
- Colorado - $38,995
- Texas - $37,995
- North Carolina - $37,844
- Florida - $37,711
- Utah - $36,682
- Wisconsin - $33,557
- Louisiana - $33,470
- Indiana - $32,023
- Missouri - $31,909
- Vermont - $31,878
- Georgia - $31,430
- Rhode Island - $29,922
- Delaware - $27,790
- Oklahoma - $27,566
- Wyoming - $26,460
- Iowa - $25,779
- Kentucky - $25,407
- South Carolina - $25,244
- Montana - $24,913
- West Virginia - $21,722
- Alaska - $21,467
- Nebraska - $21,340
- Hawaii - $21,288
- Mississippi - $21,282
- North Dakota - $21,022
- Alabama - $21,005
- Nevada - $20,392
- Maine - $19,935
- Kansas - $19,893
- New Mexico - $18,520
- Arkansas - $17,073
- Idaho - $15,079
- South Dakota - $14,503
What Is a Typical Curriculum Offered by Data Analytics MBA Programs?
The prerequisites are a bachelor’s degree in a particular business course; GMAT is the most common test for entry in the MBA. Moreover, applicants will be asked about their work experience as well. MBA data analytics curriculum offers fundamental business courses like finance, economics, marketing, operations management, leadership. It is combined with data-focused topics like database management, social media analytics, data mining in business analytics, marketing analytics and related courses.
- Database Management: introduces the MBA students to understand organizing, storing, and retrieving data from the computer. This subject allows students to change the data into information to support making decisions in professional life.
- Social Media Analytics: helps the MBA student to understand and find meaning in data collected from social media accounts to make students measure and draw actions based on the data from social media.
- Marketing analytics: includes the study of data gathered via marketing campaigns to understand consumer behavior, conversions, regional performance, and much more.
- Operations Management: provides MBA the study of business practices to develop the highest efficiency level within an organization.
- Data Mining for Business Analytics: gives the MBA students an understanding of how to retrieve data and convert information to pull out customers’ behavior and learn more about them.
- Project Management: provides the MBA students with the market understanding of project management, how to work and distribute the work among the team to achieve organizational goals.
- Data Cleaning: develops the skill of MBA students to clean or remove any inaccurate data from the record, table, or dataset and replace it with the correct one.
What is the Average ROI for Data Analytics MBA Programs?
The average ROI full-time for MBA programs in Data Analytics is 139% with a highest of 524% and the lowest of 30%.
Return on investment (ROI) is an essential factor when considering which MBA program(s) to apply to. To calculate ROI, consider both the tuition for the MBA program and the average salary a graduate earns. The average tuition cost for an MBA degree in Data Analytics is approximately $47,083.98, while the average starting salary for MBA graduates is around $83,473.46. To calculate ROI, you need to subtract the tuition from the salary and divide by the tuition cost. This will give you a rough estimate of how much value you will get out of the MBA Data Analytics.
The average ROI for all MBA programs in the United States is 146%. The average ROI for Data Analytics programs is 139%.
ROI for Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Average: 146% from 866 Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Lowest: 30% from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Highest: 567% from Tennessee State University
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Best ROI
- The University of Rhode Island - 524.26%
- Savannah State University - 413.81%
- New Mexico State University - 356.31%
- Purdue University Northwest - 352.63%
- Texas A&M University-Kingsville - 349.17%
- Texas A&M University-Commerce - 344.22%
- University of Central Oklahoma - 344.07%
- San Francisco State University - 337.09%
- Eastern Washington University - 332.20%
- Texas State University - 331.69%
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Lowest ROI
- Rochester Institute of Technology - 29.90%
- The University of Tampa - 30.70%
- Miami University - 34.00%
- Claremont Graduate University - 41.85%
- Tulane University - 41.90%
- Pepperdine University - 42.78%
- Washington University in St. Louis - 43.91%
- Columbia University - 44.96%
- Brandeis University - 45.33%
- Baylor University - 46.20%
Average ROI by State for MBA Programs
- Idaho - 270%
- New Mexico - 235%
- Indiana - 224%
- Maine - 220%
- Nevada - 216%
- North Dakota - 208%
- Rhode Island - 208%
- Nebraska - 207%
- Kansas - 203%
- Georgia - 201%
- Arkansas - 201%
- Montana - 196%
- Hawaii - 189%
- Alaska - 187%
- Mississippi - 185%
- Kentucky - 179%
- Oklahoma - 178%
- Wyoming - 176%
- Utah - 174%
- Alabama - 174%
- South Dakota - 173%
- Texas - 171%
- Tennessee - 170%
- Arizona - 170%
- Iowa - 168%
- Missouri - 159%
- California - 152%
- South Carolina - 152%
- Wisconsin - 148%
- North Carolina - 147%
- Illinois - 142%
- Minnesota - 140%
- West Virginia - 137%
- Florida - 135%
- Maryland - 132%
- Ohio - 131%
- Washington - 131%
- Louisiana - 127%
- Virginia - 126%
- Connecticut - 125%
- Colorado - 125%
- Delaware - 125%
- Michigan - 122%
- Pennsylvania - 104%
- Vermont - 104%
- Massachusetts - 102%
- New York - 97%
- New Jersey - 88%
- New Hampshire - 65%
- Oregon - 64%
- District of Columbia - 62%
What is the Average GMAT Needed for Data Analytics MBA Programs?
The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized examination used by MBA schools to assess their applicant pool. The test is strategically designed to measure an applicant’s analytical, verbal, writing and mathematical skills. The GMAT is used as a predictor of success in MBA programs and tests one’s ability to successfully handle the advanced quantitative and qualitative study of business and management.
The average GMAT scores full-time MBA programs in Data Analytics is 561 with a highest of 737 and the lowest of 265
More than 233 AACSB accredited MBA programs do not require their applicants to take GMAT exam. Many well-known programs such as the University of Michigan and the University of California, Los Angeles no longer require the exam. If you are unsure where you would like to take your program, then you should take the GMAT sooner rather than later so you don’t lose time meeting the score requirement of a program.
The average GMAT score needed for a Data Analytics MBA program from an institution is between 265 from University of Wisconsin-River Falls to 737 from Stanford University. The average GMAT scores for Data Analytics MBA programs is 561.
Average GMAT Score for Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Average: 561 from 866 Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Lowest: 265 from University of Wisconsin-River Falls
- Highest : 737 from Stanford University
10 Highest GMAT Scores for Data Analytics MBA Programs
- Stanford University - 737
- University of Pennsylvania - 733
- Columbia University - 732
- University of Southern California - 732
- Harvard University - 730
- Northwestern University - 729
- The University of Chicago - 729
- New Jersey Institute of Technology - 720
- Duke University - 718
- Emory University - 709
10 Lowest GMAT Scores for Data Analytics MBA Programs
- University of Wisconsin-River Falls - 265
- Auburn University at Montgomery - 370
- Southeastern Louisiana University - 375
- University of New Haven - 399
- Elizabeth City State University MBA - 425
- The University of Texas at Tyler - 429
- The University of North Carolina at Pembroke - 435
- Duquesne University - 435
- Radford University - 438
- Troy University - 445
Average GMAT Scores by State for MBA Programs
- New Hampshire - 643
- Vermont - 640
- District of Columbia - 639
- Massachusetts - 623
- Oregon - 608
- Indiana - 602
- Oklahoma - 597
- Maryland - 586
- Ohio - 582
- Mississippi - 581
- Idaho - 579
- New York - 579
- Minnesota - 577
- Pennsylvania - 571
- Illinois - 571
- New Mexico - 569
- Missouri - 566
- Montana - 565
- Iowa - 565
- Tennessee - 564
- Texas - 564
- Maine - 562
- Washington - 561
- Nevada - 557
- South Carolina - 556
- California - 555
- Connecticut - 555
- Virginia - 554
- Arkansas - 553
- Georgia - 551
- New Jersey - 551
- Michigan - 550
- Wisconsin - 550
- North Dakota - 550
- Arizona - 549
- Nebraska - 549
- Utah - 547
- Colorado - 544
- South Dakota - 544
- Kentucky - 541
- Kansas - 536
- Rhode Island - 536
- Delaware - 534
- North Carolina - 533
- Florida - 532
- Louisiana - 528
- Alaska - 524
- Hawaii - 520
- Alabama - 515
- West Virginia - 507
- Wyoming - 460
Student / Faculty Ratio for Data Analytics MBA Programs
Faculty to student ratio is an important factor in the quality of education you will receive. The lower the ratio, the more individualized attention you will receive. The more individualized attention you receive, the greater the odds you will understand the material better.
Student / Faculty Ratio for Data Analytics MBA programs offering a Data Analytics concentration varies between 1:1 and 35:1 with an average of 15:1 students.
The ratios provided are based off all MBA programs regardless of concentration. To discover what the ratio is for the program you are interested in, research the faculty pages of the school and average size of the programs. Faculty could be part or full time. Many also work in the concentration and can provide the students with real-world examples.
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Lowest Student Faculty Ratio
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey - 1:1
- Seattle Pacific University - 2:1
- University of Richmond - 3:1
- Trinity University - 4:1
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute - 4:1
- Woodbury University - 5:1
- The University of Chicago - 5:1
- Stanford University - 5:1
- Christopher Newport University - 5:1
- Northwestern University - 6:1
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Highest Student Faculty Ratio
- The University of Mississippi - 35:1
- The University of Texas of the Permian Basin - 35:1
- The University of Arizona - 32:1
- Baruch College-The City University of New York - 30:1
- Auburn University - 30:1
- Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - 29:1
- The University of Alabama - 27:1
- West Chester University - 26:1
- The Ohio State University - 26:1
- University of South Florida - 26:1
Which Data Analytics MBA Programs Have the Highest Student Enrollment?
When reviewing how the student population is spread across program formats, you will find the highest concentration of students are, then part time, then full time. The concentration is spread based on flexibility. The higher the flexibility (aka the least amount of scheduled class time), the higher the number of students.
The average Student Enrollment for full-time MBA programs in Data Analytics is 286 with a highest of 3,933 and the lowest of 3
There are pros and cons to small cohorts versus large cohorts. Small cohorts can become very cohesive and encourage each other to make it through the program. However, if the personality dynamic is off, it is hard to find new group members in a smaller pool of students.
The large cohorts cultivate a variety of approaches to solve the same problem, help others to think outside of the box and foster creativity. However, you could feel like just a number and desire more individual attention. When researching schools, try to reach out to current students and ask about the culture to help you decide which type of culture best suits you.
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Highest Student Enrollment
- The University of Texas at Dallas - 3,933
- University of Southern California - 2,122
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - 2,031
- Duke University - 2,012
- Washington University in St. Louis - 1,996
- Boston University - 1,615
- Baruch College-The City University of New York - 1,283
- University of Miami - 1,261
- Texas A&M University - 1,231
- Nova Southeastern University - 1,202
10 Data Analytics MBA Programs with the Lowest Student Enrollment
- The University of Akron - 3
- University of Nebraska at Kearney - 4
- Northwestern State University of Louisiana - 6
- University of Illinois at Springfield - 7
- Central Washington University - 7
- Abilene Christian University - 10
- Morehead State University - 11
- Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi - 12
- University of Wisconsin Oshkosh - 13
- State University of New York College at Plattsburgh - 13
Career Outlook, Industry Demand, and Professional Opportunities in 2025 for Data Analytic MBA Graduates
What is the Outlook for Data Analytics Careers?
Data analytics remains one of the fastest-growing fields in information technology. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of data scientists and mathematical science occupations is projected to grow 36% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is driven by organizations recognizing the value embedded within their data repositories and the need for skilled professionals to extract actionable insights.
The importance of data retention, strategic data mining, and deriving value from stored information has become a board-level concern for many companies. Experienced data analytics teams are crucial in transforming terabytes of data into valuable intelligence on customer behavior, product performance, and overall business efficiency. Data analytics plays a vital role in measuring return on investment (ROI) and return on assets (ROA), making it an indispensable function in modern business strategy.
The career prospects for data analytics professionals continue to be robust in 2024. The multifaceted nature of the field allows for diverse career paths, including roles such as operations manager, business analyst, and project manager. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs for operations research analysts, which include business analysts, will grow by 23% from 2021 to 2031.
Beyond traditional data analysis roles, professionals with data analytics skills can explore opportunities in journalism, financial analysis, digital marketing management, and more. The application of data analytics in business is ubiquitous, as companies increasingly rely on data-driven insights for growth and decision-making.
While historical data suggested that Colorado and Texas were leading states for data analyst hiring, the landscape has evolved. As of 2024, data from the CompTIA Tech Jobs Report indicates that California, Texas, and Virginia are among the top states for tech job postings, including data analytics positions. The trend of companies relocating and embracing digital transformation continues to drive demand for data analytics professionals across various regions.
As organizations undergo digital transformations, whether through relocation or internal initiatives, data analytics has become a critical component of strategic planning. Companies are leveraging data to innovate their business models, optimize processes, and gain competitive advantages in their respective markets.
The outlook for data analytics careers remains highly positive, with increasing demand and competitive compensation packages. As businesses continue to recognize the value of data-driven decision-making, the importance of skilled data analytics professionals is expected to grow across industries and geographical locations.
Where Do Data Analytics MBAs Work?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, operations research analysts held about 123,300 jobs in 2023. The industry you work in significantly influences your salary and job prospects. The CompTIA Tech Jobs Report indicates that certain industries offer higher salaries, with finance and insurance, information technology, and scientific and technical services accounting for a large portion of data job openings.
Here’s a breakdown of the largest employers of operations research analysts:
Industry | Percentage |
Finance and insurance | 27% |
Professional, scientific, and technical services | 22% |
Management of companies and enterprises | 9% |
Manufacturing | 6% |
Federal government | 6% |
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (May 2023) shows that the mean annual wage for operations research analysts was $95,600. However, salaries can vary significantly based on industry, location, and experience.
Top-paying industries for operations research analysts include:
- Federal Executive Branch (OES Designation)
- Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities
- Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
- Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing
- Scientific Research and Development Services
Additionally, Zippia reports that some of the best companies for operations research analysts include Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Company, and Bain & Company, with average salaries ranging from $123,711 to $141,584.
For those with an MBA in Data Analytics, career opportunities extend beyond traditional analyst roles. According to Kent State University, potential career paths include:
- Business Development Manager
- Business Systems Analyst
- Data Architect
- Statistician
- Data Scientist
- Application Architect
- Market Research Analyst
This diverse range of opportunities spans various industries, showcasing the versatility and high demand for professionals with advanced data analytics skills.
What Skills Does an MBA in Data Analytics Need
- Data Visualization – How to present data is equality critical to the data itself. Without strong data presentation and skillful visualization capability; explaining the value of data mining, analytics, and the true connection back to the business becomes near impossible for the target audience to understand the value. The audience needs to understand the investment in analytics and data mining. Without a strong visualization, many will get lost in the mounts of excel spreadsheets and pivot tables.
- Strong Analytical and Statistical: Data analytics and mining is about math and computations. The relevance of the data set in many cases can be time sensitive. Real-time analytics for industry 4.0, autonomous cars, and Internet of Things is directly connected to computation time and data visualization feeding into a machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithm. Computation skills help insure property mining consistency along the correct time of delivery into the ML and AL engines. Having a strong analytical mind will help greatly. The creation of the relevant data set modeling is critical to feeding into the computation and content delivery layers. Determining out of the terabytes of data available within the organization’s data lakes is very important. What data to keep and what to use in analytic modeling could make the difference in the overall mining strategy.
- Communication Skills: Along with strong visualization, having excellent communications is a must. While the data scientist may understand all the data computation terminology, most of the target audience will not. Having the ability to deliver the value of the data analytics to a non-data science audience is most important. Many positions within the corporation; supply chain directors, retail director, and finance person are consumers of data analytics. These co-workers may not understand how the data sets are formed or analyzed, they only care about the actual end-state. That output needs to be relevant to the individual departments’ needs in order for them to see a value. Without a good communications approach, data analytics may not have any consumers or sponsors within the organization.
- Business Acumen: Without business understanding, you will not be able to understand how your data analytics skill can benefit the business. In the end, it is all about adding value to the organization.
- Project Management: You will work with different teams, managing work and meeting deadlines as a data analyst. You need to build networks, give commands and distribute the work.
- Programming: Having a good understanding of programming languages, especially Python and R, is necessary to succeed in this field. You will build different algorithms or models to automate your business information management system.
What Can I Do With an MBA in Data Analytics?
An MBA in Data Analytics is one of the most in-demand fields in the market and offers various opportunities. Here are some career paths you can pursue:
- Business Intelligence Analyst: Monitor patterns in data and analyze them. Work with SQL, data visualization, and modeling tools.
- Higher-Level Roles in Business Administration: Many organizations require a master’s degree for executive positions such as CEO, COO, CMO, CTO, CFO, and vice president.
- Operations Research Analyst: Use advanced mathematical and analytical methods to solve operational issues and make informed decisions.
- Data Analyst: Understand data, analyze it, and find opportunities and value. Similar roles include Intelligence Analyst and Business Analyst.
- Computer Systems Analyst: Identify needs for current computer systems and update them according to market trends.
- Software Developer: Develop applications and design systems that help companies or consumers in various aspects of their lives.
- Data Analytics Consultant: Provide consultation regarding data to help companies with their business. This role often allows for remote work and multiple clients.
- Project Manager: Use analytics tools to manage workflow and increase employee productivity. Can also work in supply chain management.
- Quantitative Analyst: Use data analysis to identify financial investment opportunities, work on trade models, and determine prices of stocks, commodities, and exchange rates.
This diverse range of career options demonstrates the versatility and value of an MBA in Data Analytics in today’s job market.
How We Rank Data Analytics MBA Programs
The team at responsible for program rankings at MBAGuide.org comprises of data science and product management experts. Our ranking team works independently from the editorial team and is not influenced by editorial decisions.
MBAGuide.org employs a comprehensive ranking methodology that combines quantitative data (80% of the score) with qualitative assessments (20%) to evaluate MBA programs. The quantitative component considers factors such as student-faculty ratio, tuition, enrollment, and post-graduation salaries, while the qualitative aspect incorporates editorial ratings and school reputation, providing a well-rounded view of each program’s quality and value.
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